5TH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY – February 7, 2021

Our Sunday parking lot communion service is cancelled for Sunday, February 7, 2021. Because of predicted temperatures in the low 20’s, the condition of the roads, and probably low attendance because of the above stated conditions I felt it was best to cancel services.
Pastor Carey Miller





Tithing & Offering

(Please click the green button below)

February 7, 2021 – 5 TH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY
St. Paul’s ELCA Breinigsville

Rev. Carey L. Miller

Judy Noll, Organist

Cathy Waltemyer, Soloist

Ali Thompson,Reader

Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
I Love to Tell the Story

with permission under Church Copyright License CCLI #3251111



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